Architecture in Kerala

Interior Design

Crafting Exceptional Interior design.

Embark on a journey into the world of exceptional interior design ideas with KNK, a speed-growing interior design firm based in Palakkad, Kerala. Our esteemed services are dedicated to crafting captivating and functional spaces that truly reflect your style and aspirations. With a team of talented designers, we bring a wealth of expertise and creativity to every project, ensuring that each space is a unique masterpiece.

As specialists in interior design, our services cater to a wide range of spaces, including residential homes, commercial establishments, and hospitality venues. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to delivering excellence, we curate every aspect of the design process, from conceptualization to execution. We believe that every element should harmoniously come together to create a visually appealing and functional space that enhances your lifestyle.

Discover Unparalleled Interior Designs

Commercial Interior Design

If you have a commercial space to design, discover our interior designer team to do it. KNK is one of the leading interior design firms based in Palakkad, Kerala. We can optimize space utilization, design custom fixtures, and select appropriate furniture and decor.

Residential Interior Design

Our Interior designer team can assist you in designing and transforming your homes. We can work on projects ranging from individual rooms to entire houses, creating functional and visually appealing spaces that align with your style and preferences.

Space Planning and Layout

Interior designers can analyze your space and develop efficient and practical layouts. We consider factors such as traffic flow, functionality, and utilization of available space to create optimized designs.

Experienced Interior Designers in Palakkad | Innovative Design Solutions
Interior Designers in Palakkad: Transforming Spaces with Excellence

Furniture and Fixture Selection

Based on your requirements, interior designers can recommend and source furniture, fixtures, and fittings that align with the design concept and functionality of your space. They can guide you in choosing the right materials, finishes, and styles.

Color Scheme and Material Selection

We can assist you in selecting appropriate color schemes, wall finishes, flooring materials, and other materials for your space. They consider factors such as lighting, ambiance, and durability to ensure a cohesive and pleasing aesthetic.

Decor and Styling

As a leading interior designing firm, KNK can guide you in selecting decor items, artwork, and accessories that complement the overall design concept. They can arrange and style these elements to add the finishing touches to your space.


How we take things in hand.

Elevating Living Spaces with Finest Interior Designers

There is a certain system and strategies on how we move things forward for an effective & efficient accomplishment of tasks & duties. The tetradic elements, say, Quantity, Quality, Time & Cost form the main drivers to achieve all the project goals within the given constraints.

Experienced Interior Designers in Palakkad | Innovative Design Solutions
1.Conceptual Design

Site analysis , Requirement analysis, Client Discussion & Design Concepts.

Find Skilled Interior Designers in Palakkad for Your Project
Interior Designers in Palakkad
2.Design Development
Meticulous Planning, Integration of design aspects, Working drawings & Electro-Mechanical consultation.
Interior Designers in Palakkad: Elevate Your Space with Design Expertise
Execution & Implementation
Interior Designers in Palakkad: Elevate Your Space with Design Expertise
Delivering dreams in to reality
Well-established and
experienced in many fields.
Well-established and experienced in many fields.
Projects done
Years experience
Ongoing Projects
Let’s make it happen


Absolutely! KNK Builders has the expertise to handle projects of all sizes, from small residential makeovers to large-scale commercial interior design projects in Palakkad.

Yes, we believe in understanding our client’s unique preferences and requirements. Our interior designers work closely with you to create personalized and customized designs that reflect your style and taste.


Yes, we offer a comprehensive interior design service that includes furniture and decor selection, space planning, color schemes, lighting design, and more. We aim to create a complete and cohesive interior design solution

No, architecture and interior design are not the same, although they are closely related and often work together in the design process.

An interior designer is important because they possess the expertise and knowledge to create functional, visually appealing, and well-designed interior spaces that optimize the use of space, enhance aesthetics, and reflect the client’s style and preferences. They bring a trained eye, creative vision, and understanding of design principles to transform a space into a personalized and cohesive environment that meets the client’s needs and enhances their quality of life.
